Amazon CloudFront Announces Atlanta, GA PoP and Additional Pops in London and Frankfurt

Amazon announce the launch of a new Amazon CloudFront edge location in Atlanta, GA. Amazon also recently added third edge locations in London, UK and Frankfurt, Germany to provide even better service for their customers.

With the new launch in Atlanta and the addition of third edge locations in London and Frankfurt, CloudFront now has a total of 46 edge locations worldwide. Each new edge location helps lower latency and improves performance for your end users. If you’re already using CloudFront, you don’t need to do anything to your applications to take advantage of these new edge locations – requests from your end users will automatically be routed to these locations for the best possible performance.

they have  webinar coming up  “Using Amazon CloudFront to Accelerate Your Static, Dynamic, and Interactive Content” on November 7, 2013 at 10AM PT to learn more about CloudFront including some of our recent feature launches such as POST/PUT, Custom SSL, Wildcard CNAME support, and support for Custom Error pages.

And, if you are attending AWS re:Invent, they invite you to join the following CloudFront sessions:

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