Come participate in the free, in-store clinics hosted by our own tech support staff. Each clinic covers a new topic from the latest technology to troubleshooting your gadgets. You’ll also have the chance to get your computer questions answered by the experts.

Build Your Own
Saturday, Nov. 5 and Sunday, Nov. 6
2:00 p.m.
- Choosing components by specification
- Minimizing Electro-Static Discharge (ESD)
- Installing CPU and memory
- Installing motherboard in case
- Power connections and issues with ACPI
- Installing video cards, hard disks, optical drives
- System testing throughout build process
- These FREE clinics will be held at all Micro Center stores. Registration is recommended (or sometimes required) since space is limited. Sign up sheets are available only in your local Micro Center at Tech Support or the Customer Service area.
- Clinics may be canceled without notice due to holiday sale events. Call your nearest Micro Center store to confirm your clinic.
Saturday, Nov. 12 & Sunday, Nov. 13
- 2 p.m. — Mac OS X Tips & Tricks
Saturday, Nov. 19 & Sunday, Nov. 20
- 2 p.m. — Windows® 10 Basics